Monday, November 21, 2016

" (October 10, 2016)

So this week I'm basically just going to describe in quotes.

Sunday - "Yeah, you can stop coming by here." (see Wednesday)

Monday - "Let's Plan a baptism!"
Wait, what?
"Are we here for any other reason?"
Well, no...
"Well then let's plan a baptism!"
Matt is an investigator that the sisters have been working with for a long time. We were really hoping that he had received the answers to the questions he had at general conference and we went into the lesson hoping to find out what all is happening and eventually plan the baptism. He surprised us all by sitting down and saying the above. It was

Tuesday - "There's always a friend, there's always a friend, there's always a friend!"
There are lots of deer on the long and lonely roads to the middle of nowhere where 3 people live. And if there's one, you know there is always going to be a friend.

Wednesday - "I do not appreciate you sending missionaries to knock on doors after 8 on a SUNDAY night and I will not, I repeat, I will NOT EVER join your church. And this is me being polite. Thank you."
-Sometimes people don't like us very much. The Bishop got quite the kick out of it.

Thursday - "Pasense!!"
(Come in!)
-said by Hispanic man who we've never met before. Totally just invited us in to teach his whole family and the 12 children there. Due to the rather awkward circumstance where he didn't follow us and we probably scared the heck out of one of the women there, we decided to come back another day when the investigator we were looking for was there.

"Cerra la puerta!"
Ya las dije que estan!"
"Digales que estoy banandome!"
(Shut the door!
I already told them you're here!
Well tell them that I'm showering!
-His dad is a less active and his mom is a nonmember. She doesn't want much to do with the church but Adam, the 10 year old, wants to be baptized and wants us to convert his family.

Friday - "I want to be like you one day and have marbles all over my house."

Saturday - "You can pretty much beat Call of Duty if you just read the war chapters in the Book of Mormon." - me
"I don't know..." - Tyler
"I have Vikings in my family history. Do you want to see a Viking sword?" - bro N
"I really think the sword of Laban is probably cooler. It was made with exceedingly fine workmanship. Also, it's owner was killed by it and Nephi used it to design all the rest of the swords to defend his people." - me
"You can't change the subject!" - Sis Hull
"I love you sisters so much." - Sis N
-had an awesome dinner with a less active family in the ward. Sis N is super active and so is her daughter. She is raising her grandaughter's little boy and the rest of the family is inactive. As you can tell from the incredibly confusing conversation, every time we try to have a gospel discussion the subject gets changed. Shout out to the Book of Mormon for allowing us to tie everything back to how amazing that Book is. Tyler came to church the next day. :D

"Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ.."
"And be baptized"
Andres is an amazing investigator. He is so amazing! We taught him the Restoration and when we got to the apostasy he asked, "Wait, but who fixed it??" When we extended the baptismal invite he said yes before we could even finish inviting him.

Sunday - Miracle after miracle after miracle!!

ONe day the internet will work and I will be able to send pictures and longer emails. One day :)
Sister Jaycie Baird
Washington Yakima Mission

Sister Hull's email about the week:

OCT 10, 2016
Hi y'all!

Update on my companion, I actually hate her.

I'm actually obsessed with her.

We were driving through Klickitat, which is about 40 minutes away from our
home, and it was just another one of those fun road trips and she turns to
me and says, "I feel like I'm touring White Salmon with my best friend
everyday." We are so similar. I love her to pieces.

Yesterday was a day of miracles!
4 less actives were at church. Earlier in the week, Hermana Baird and I
went to dinner with the codename: Winniepoohs and the only active on in the
family is the mom. We told them how much we loved the Book of Mormon all
dinner long. I told them my favorite stories, especially captain Moroni and
the one time the Nephites won a battle by digging a long ditch outside
their town and tricking the Lamanites in leaving their city by a tiny
little clan of Nephites running away, so that the giant army of Nephites
took over. ANYWAYS, Hermana Baird and I are super scriptorians and the boys
loved it. The next Sunday they showed up at church!! WE WERE SO HAPPY.

We were tracting down some houses and we ran into this one guy codename:
Aladdin (because he looks like him and is super mystical). Aladdin loves
spiritual journeys. He loves talking with people about Jesus and pathways
we've found to reach him. He asked us so many questions about the premortal
existence. He said he's run into so many people who believe that we just
popped up here, but he knows we couldn't have. So we bore our testimonies
about the knowledge we have of the preexistence. We told him that we know
we lived before this earth life with Heavenly Father and are all his
spiritual children; made of His spiritual DNA! He was so excited to hear
someone else believes him. Aladdin told us he doesn't believe in organized
religion because we are all different and all have different paths to find
Christ. We told him that the Church is just the means that Christ gives us
to find our own paths. We aren't converting people to the Church, we are
converting people to Christ! I bore my testimony on prophets and how they
encourage us to pray and explore other religions so that we will have a
testimony of this way. We are encouraged to pray and seek personal
revelation and confirmation that these modern day prophets are called of
God. He was so intrigued by that and asked us for the website where he
could find these talks and watch them and seek a confirmation for himself.
I cried for about 30 minutes on our way to dinner.
It was amazing !!!

On Monday we had a lesson with Macarroni!!!
He sat us down and then said, "Let's plan a baptism"
We were so surprised!! I started to cry because he received his answer from
listening to the prophets talk to him at general conference. He felt the
spirit so strong listening to prophets called of God.
He wants to be baptized on the 15th and asked Hermana Baird and I to play a

We had to go to the hospital this week for Hermana Baird. She hadn't been
able to hear out of one ear and had really bad neck pain and bloody noses.
We went to the doctor and she gave her a lot of antibiotics to get the
fluid out from behind her ear drum. The doctor was trying to scrape away
ear wax that was so far back so that he could see her ear drum and poked it
so hard and Hermana Baird was in so much pain after that. What he could see
of her ear drum was read and swollen. Thank goodness for drugs.
#gettinghealed.[image: Inline image 2][image: Inline image 1] this is
Best Friend :)
[image: Inline image 3][image: Inline image 5][image: Inline image 4]
Look at the beautiful landscapes I see every day

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